- The constructor that takes a class will follow the JBehave documentation on UnderscoredCamelCaseResolver which locates the test file in the same folder as the class passed in and with a name following the documented rules.
- The constructor that takes a String will locate the test file at the location specified.
- runScenario() will resolve all of the steps in the given step file and run them - calling the "given", "when", and "then" functionality in the provided Step class (given in the constructor).
- setPendingErrorStrategy() allows you to switch between failing and passing when errors (such as incomplete tests) are encountered.
public class JbehaveIntegrationDelegate{
private final Steps candidateSteps;
private final ScenarioNameResolver scenarioNameResolver;
private PendingErrorStrategy pendingErrorStrategy = PendingErrorStrategy.FAILING;
public JbehaveIntegrationDelegate(Steps candidateSteps, final Class className){
this.candidateSteps = candidateSteps;
scenarioNameResolver = new UnderscoredCamelCaseResolver(){
protected String resolveFileName(
Class scenarioClass) {
return super.resolveFileName(className);
public JbehaveIntegrationDelegate(Steps candidateSteps, final String testFileName){
this.candidateSteps = candidateSteps;
scenarioNameResolver = new ScenarioNameResolver(){
public String resolve(Class arg0) {
return testFileName;
public void runScenario() throws Throwable {
JBehaveScenario scenario = new JBehaveScenario(candidateSteps, scenarioNameResolver, pendingErrorStrategy);
public void setPendingErrorStrategy(PendingErrorStrategy strategy){
class JBehaveScenario extends Scenario {
public JBehaveScenario(
Steps candidateSteps,
final ScenarioNameResolver scenarioNameResolver,
final PendingErrorStrategy pendingErrorStrategy) {
super(new PropertyBasedConfiguration() {
public ScenarioDefiner forDefiningScenarios() {
return new ClasspathScenarioDefiner(
new PatternScenarioParser(this));
public PendingErrorStrategy forPendingSteps() {
return pendingErrorStrategy;
}, candidateSteps);
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