First, you have to update the operating system. Here's how to do that.
Next, I needed to make a few customizations. It had a default keyboard setup of en-eu. I want a United States keyboard layout. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (vi is installed) and change: OPTION "XkbLayout" "gb" to OPTION "XkbLayout" "us".
And, to make xwindows start automatically, I also added the following to the very bottom of /etc/init.d/rcS
/usr/X11R6/bin/startx&And, I did't like the clock format set to 24 hour mode, so here is how to set it to HH:MM pm. Edit /etc/jwm/jwmrc and change "Clock Format" to
Making the mouse less sensitive:
in /etc/jwm/jwmrc inside "autostart" add the line xset m 1 10 &
Lengthening the double-click wait:
/etc/jwm/jwmrc change "DoubleClickSpeed" to 700
Now, you have a fully functional $100 linux laptop with Firefox 3, a terminal with python, and SSH (three things missing from the original).
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